Article number: 3200
This is a special lecture DVD from one of the best close up magicians, from Yoo Hyun Min (ZEKI YOO), from South Korea, who has just done a great lecture in Blackpool Convention.
Article number: 1210
Article number: 1102
Article number: 1249
"The 18+ in the title could represent the legal age at which you could drink at a bar, and legitimately watch the routines in this outfit! Or it could be the number of cards you get in this outfit,...
Article number: 3100
Woody Aragón is an outstanding card magician, technical expert, and entertaining performer from Toledo, Spain. As a writer, lecturer, teacher, and performer, Woody has incredible insight and...
Article number: 3063
This new book - compiled and edited by Martin Breese - gathers together all of Al Koran's magazine articles from the magic Wand, the Gen, the Wizard and Pentagram.
Article number: 3464
The top card men in the world disagree on many things. One thing they all agree on is that no other book in the history of card manipulation deserves careful study more than The Expert at the Card...
Article number: 3512
Card magic for everyone, from the self-working, hands off Self Control Lie Speller and the two-deck Mix and Match, to the commercial (and ribald) Under Her Spell.
Article number: 3335
The wait is over ... now Simon has collected his latest creations, showcasing his unique brand of impossible card magic in a fifth giant book. Art Decko is a large (8.
Article number: 3152
Lukas (Lee Ki-suk) from Korea, who won second price in Manipulation at FISM World Championships of Magic 2012 has recorded a brand new DVD teaching the art of Manipulation.
Article number: 2899
In this book Gay Ljungberg shares his performing experience with the reader and reveals a treasure of valuable secrets about the psychology and the techniques he uses.
Article number: 3461
Master one great rope trick and you will have a piece of magical entertainment that will serve you well for the rest of your life under almost any performing conditions.
Article number: 1208
Balloon sculpture is a fun, easy and fascinating pastime. And best of all, it's easier than you ever could imagine. Balloon sculptures are wonderful adjuncts to the performances of magicians and...
Article number: 2873
de fyra essen och tolv tillfälliga kort. De tolv korten blandas och tre kort läggs ovanpå vart och ett av essen. En av de fyra högarna isoleras under ett glas eller en musfälla.
Article number: 3375
"Blomberg Laboratories is not as good as I had hoped it would be ... it's even better." - Michael Weber Sweden's Tomas Blomberg is not like other magicians. He combines his background in...
Article number: 2415
Article number: 1341
Article number: 2879
en samling grundläggande grepp och sleights som du kan applicera på ett oändligt antal korttricks. Tomás Medina demonstrerar och förklarar viktiga grepp och sleights i detalj..
Article number: 2418
"Darwin Ortiz is unquestionably of the top cardmen in the world today. In this book he offers you the chance to learn the routines that have earned him his living and his reputation, including all...
Article number: 2203
Modern Chemical Magic is a book that covers just about everything there is to know about performing magic effects using chemicals. Using easy to find and use chemicals, many unusual and entertaining...